Pros of Community College

Since it’s my last semester at the community college, I feel begrudgingly obligated to give it some credit.  Sure, I would have liked to go to a university right out of high school but the two years spent at a local college was fine.  Despite all the times the college screwed me over, I’ll list only positives in this post.

Pros of Community College

  • Less $$$- my tuition was free but even if I did have to pay, it’s so much cheaper than a 4 year university where you’re spending the first two years completing your general classes anyway.  This is probably the biggest point.  Seriously, you’re taking the same classes as everyone else for half the cost, if more.
  • Staying home- ahh, I know, you’re thinking, “Two more years of staying at home under the reign of the parental units??  NEVER!”  But think- you aren’t paying for rent and food (so much) and all you have to take care of is gas and car insurance 😀
  • You’re in college and you’re at home so you don’t have to put up with an extreme change like moving away to a completely different area AND manage college life.  In community college, you get the drift of college courses but it’s not so overwhelming.
  • The academic advisers I had were actually pretty good.
  • GPA- maybe it’s just for my university I’m transferring to, but I start over with a completely new GPA when I get there.  Awesome.  So I don’t have to carry around the first two years of not-so-good grades forever.
  • Quality of the professors- it was pretty decent.  The worst teacher(s) I had was in math- it was his first year teaching…not a good combination.  Just because it was a community college didn’t mean that they didn’t care though.  I have to say though, I had awesome sociology teachers which was a plus because I like learning about something the instructor is enthused about.  Plus, to give them credit, both of my biology professors made science less of a hell for me.  I absolutely hate science but I tried (not exactly to the best of my ability :P) and they tried.  They made an honest attempt to work with me and I remarkably passed both classes the first try.
  • I know going to a community college is not on the wish list of every high school graduate itching to live life on their own but really, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I missed out on a lot of the things universities offer but hey, I’ll get to make that stuff up next year!  Even though two years seemed like an eternity starting out, it’s flown by so fast.  (Only 6 more months!!!)

So last semester of community college, may thou speedst by but I thank thee all the same.

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